Category Archives: Ginny Bootman

Incidental Conversations with Ginny Bootman

When used in a conversional way or in language, incidental talk means to have a [...]

We Need To Talk About Excel with Ginny Bootman

Do you love Excel or avoid it? If conditional formatting, VLOOKUP, freezing panes, formulas and [...]

Paperless SENCO with Ginny Bootman

Are you one of those making their annual pilgrimage to WHSmith to choose your new [...]

He Doesn’t Do That at School with Ginny Bootman

There is often a huge divide between how a child with additional needs presents themselves [...]

Communication – That’s the Aim of the Game with Ginny Bootman

Joining Dale today is Ginny Bootman. Ginny is currently a SENCO of 2 Primary schools, [...]

Follow The Empathy Road with Ginny Bootman

Joining Dale today is Ginny Bootman. Ginny is currently a SENCO of 2 Primary schools, [...]